Vivienda colectiva de Plottier,

Daniel Burgos+Manuel Mondaca+Franco Torres

The urban project that is proposed in this exercise is generated from the consideration of the conditions of the place.

We understand that the architectural project and the urban project are different aspects of a single process. Architecture, in addition to its formal character, has a spatial capacity of a configurative nature. The urban project that is proposed in this exercise is generated from the consideration of the conditions of the place, which, while limiting, stimulate its conception, giving a frame of reference where the project emerges, granting its formal identity.

The project land is located in a low-density area of the city of Plottier, on the border with the ejido of the city of Neuquén. It is a productive sector with a gravity irrigation system with canals and existing crops. On the perimeter of the plots, there are avenues in a linear arrangement on the edge of the irrigation canals, this generates a very interesting spatial condition of an enclosure on the site with vegetal curtains up to 30 meters high. These mentioned elements (irrigation canals and avenues) are found throughout the upper valley area of the province of Río Negro and Neuquén, which is why they are considered a heritage value within the project. Given the advance of real estate speculation with low-density lots on the productive lands of the Altovalle, the project’s starting point is the preservation of the constituent elements of the agricultural landscape and a minimum occupation of the land based on the increase in the density of homes per hectare. This is achieved by incorporating collective housing building typologies such as strips, plates and towers.

The building typologies of linear development are arranged in a North-South direction based on a general organization criterion of alternating repetition, but which in turn responds to the particularities of the terrain. In this sense, a sectorization of the uses of the complex is proposed in which homes alternate with their green spaces, productive areas with service pavilions and parking sectors for the homes. Vehicular circulation and access to parking is restricted to the external edges of the land, thus avoiding the overlapping of streets and pedestrian circulations, preserving a greater surface area of green spaces. The higher density plates and tower are located close to the route and train tracks in the southern sector, while a lower density is maintained in the northern sector.

Finally, with the intention of valuing the green space, the surfaces occupied by the footprint of the buildings are recovered from garden terraces, thus obtaining a total liberation of the surface of the plot.


Authors: Daniel Burgos+Manuel Mondaca+Franco Torres.
Location: Plottier, Argentina.
University: Universidad de Flores sede comahue.
Year: 2022