#03 Inefable,


[patio] #03 is entitled ‘ineffable’ and is dedicated to Atelier Atlántico.

The home is defined from this point of view as the irregular space that revolves around our experiences, the active continent of an endless number of stories that bounce around its confines, that are lived and narrated, not for their interest or their value, but for the need to be expressed and shared, transforming and transforming us. The family space, of whatever kind, is personal, non-conformist and mutable. A place that cannot be understood without being lived, without the experiences that accompany and characterise it, without its neutral smell to our sense of smell, without the rainy days under the blanket and the sun that crosses the corridor in the mornings.

[patio] #03 proposes an always incomplete investigation into the responsibility of both professionals and inhabitants when it comes to understanding this space and its emotive capacity. Accompanied by Álvaro Chico, David Ariza, Mónica Lamela -There There Architecture-, Jesús Meseguer, Elena Beltrán, Javier Bustamante and Pigaa Studio, and the architecture studio formed by Germán Müller and Mario Galiana, Atelier Atlántico, we compose a collection of personal stories, an anthology of tales and experiences whose common denominator is that which they do not tell, that which is intimate and somehow ineffable.


Authors: [patio].
Editorial: [patio] editorial.
ISBN: 978-84-09-58935-7.
Year: 2024