Bruc Arquitectes
Proposal for a multi-family building distributed by spaces rotated 45º with respect to the structure and the urban fabric.
The building that is the subject of the competition is located on Rambla de San Juan in Badalona. The plot object of intervention, has three facades, two of them longitudinal. As starting conditions, apart from the indivisibility of number 41, the geometry of the plot means that one of the longitudinal façades has a practically north orientation. The decision is made to fill in the entire plot in order to exhaust the building area with the maximum number of spaces possible. The implementation strategy is based on the alignment of the façade to the limits of the plot, in order to achieve a continuity of the volume with the neighbors and a rhythmic vertical sequence of the façade to integrate and order the layout of the living-spaces.
The energy strategy is based on some central spaces in the building that are a combination of patios – dynamic, bioclimatic, promoters of the Venturi effect, solar collectors in winter and an open atrium in summer. All the houses have cross ventilation and a light contribution that allows the houses to live a large part of the day with natural lighting. Each house also has a gallery space attached to the room that can function as a thermal pillow for the house, being a segregated space that improves the comfort conditions of the house.
The house is organized sequentially, allowing the user to freely occupy the different rooms. The arrangement of the different spaces that make up the building and consequently the house favors the creation of terraces and openings with a more favorable inclination for sunlight and the entry of light from the East. This also generates a versatile gallery space that articulates one of the rooms into two spaces.
Author: BrucArquitectes (Adrià S. Llorens+Guillem Bargues).
Location: Badalona, Spain.
Year: 2020
Competition: Concurso de 41 viviendas para alquiler asequible en Badalona (Incasol).