Mojo Architecture
Like a rock in the sand, a shape seems to emerge from the ground revealing a new imprint that will leave its mark on the convent’s history. … Like a rock in the sand,
This category includes unbuilt projects of religious architecture; buildings with a certain mystical and cult character where congregations of different population groups are formed.
Mojo Architecture
Like a rock in the sand, a shape seems to emerge from the ground revealing a new imprint that will leave its mark on the convent’s history. … Like a rock in the sand,
Mojo Architecture
The encounter takes place at a time when dusk is gently descending on the earth. In a blue cloud, the Chiesa di San Giovani emerges from the line of golden fields. … Blue silence,
Kristine Prochnau
A pavilion to reinvent the world around us at the Distant Edge of Ottawa, Canada. … Apertures, Reflections & Light,
Vito Distante(distantestudio)+Tommaso Mandorino+Antonio Trifone(June Architects)
The new building is composed of three buildings of different heights to adapt to the surroundings and to distribute the different functions in a more rational way. … Drapery,
Leandro Sbarra+Juan Pablo Porco+Emmanuel Santillan
Visitors are challenged to consider the meaning of a chapel not only as an architectural building or as a religious symbol, but as a structure capable of considering the different acts of faith and turning it into an overcoming spatial experience.
… Light walkway,
Carlos Góndola
The project is a place of reflection, silence and prayer; an intimate space for the encounter with oneself and nature. … Rise,
LA-NA Architects (Edorta Larizgoitia+Sara Navazo)
The project must be a whole, in form and matter. It is not a specific action. … Access pavilion to the crypt of Colonia Güell,
Ángel Rubio Sanchez
This place is considered a sanctuary dedicated to the God of the Sun. Throughout the island there are some trails that run from north to south their places, the intervention proposes an extension of these trails, a walk that enters the lake, as if from same lake involved.
Doble Taller Studio (Roberto González Calderón+Emilio Padilla)
The project involves the solution of an ecumenical chapel, inspired by the lyrics of Alfredo Silva Estrada, the proposal seeks to contain the mystery of the sacred and remain discreet on the highest point of the hill in Isla del Sol, Bolivia.